Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Order of Operations.

What are Order of operations?
Simply put, it just means that we have to do certain operations(brackets, multiplication, division ,addition, subtraction) first.

For example,
In this question,
8 x 3 + (5 - 9) x 2. We will need to do the brackets first, followed by the multiplication, finally addition.

How do we know when to do which operation first?

Ever heard of B.O.D.M.A.S?

B= brackets
D= divide
M = multiply
A = Addition
S = subtraction

This BODMAS means that in every equation, we have to follow this "rule" for the computation of the answer or it will not be accurate.

In order to make this more easier to memorise, me and Class5-5 came up with an unique way of memorising BODMAS using this funny sentence.
"Brain of Dinosaurs' Mouse Adding Stars."

Now, let's just hope pupils won't forget this easily when doing order of operations in the future.

Mr Xie.

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