Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Word Problems 2.

Class 5-5 played a short game called ," I have, who has."
The gameplay is fairly simple. Strips of paper with sentences of "I have..., who has..." is randomly passed to each groups.

One groups will read out the first sentence and if the answer of that particular sentence happens to be in your group, you will have to quickly read it out loud!

Here's an example of the activity.

Students that played this game have to make use of their mental ability so they the can answer it quickly and accurately. After exposure to this game, students can also create this game for themselves and play it if they wish to. The trick to creating it is that the last entry of the problem must conincide with the first entry, so that it becomes an infinte loop.

The lesson was ended with me discussing the solutions on their word problems activity.
Oh, in case I forget, here's the shirt for you, Mr "Oh Yock Wu".

Mr Xie.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr Xie,I am Corin.You really drawn a shirt for Oh Yock Wu!
